Market Place Item: Chinese Marinade
Market Place Reference: | 426 / 198 |
Product Name: | Chinese Marinade |
Seller: | Avara Foods, BRACKLEY, UK Tel: 07818412159 Contact Name: Matthew Stones Visit Website |
Packaging: | Large blue plastic sack, food grade |
Manufacturer’s Name: | Moguntia Food Ingredients Ltd |
Manufacturer’s Website: | |
Country of Origin: | UK |
Date of Manufacture: | Jan-2024 |
Best Before / Expiry Date: | Dec-2025 |
Location/Delivery Details: | Warehouse Dudley UK |
Total Quantity: | 1935 Kilograms |
Minimum Order Quantity: | 900 Kilograms
Offer Price: | Make us an offer |
Reason for Sale: | Near / Past Expiry Date
Life extension: | ![Document 2](../../FidsImages/SpecSheet2.gif) |
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Buyers: Fi Data Services Limited ( takes no further part in the sale process, nor does it provide any guarantee that the goods offered for sale are suitable for the buyer’s requirements. The buyer must independently ensure that the item being purchased is of the correct quality and suitable for their requirements. Payment and delivery arrangements are made in private between the seller and the buyer, Fi Data Services Limited ( takes no part in the payment process.